HTML Form to VBScript help..


Could someone please help?<br />
I have an hta application which calls a vbscript to perform wmi queries on remote servers. The servers also are on multiple untrusted domains, so I must pass security credentials within the vbscript for connectivity. This works fine when using inputbox's but the issue is that the password is displayed as clear text. So I have resorted to trying to use a textbox within an html form within the HTA app. <br />
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Basically I have four fields in the form (Servername, DomainName,UserName, Password), all I want is for these four fields to be defined to a corresponding variable ie. servername = strComputer<br />
"strComputer" is defined in the vbscript as the server to connect to.<br />
I am not looking to pass the form values to a cgi or perl script... merely define all of the variables within the same hta app.<br />
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Anybody have any ideas on this?<br />
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