HTML form as email attachment


Hello world....<br />
Can anyone shed any light on this little beauty for me. I cannot believe this has not been done before but I cannot find how to do it, so any help appreciated.<br />
I have a form on my website that has approx 70 text fields for user input and is submitted to my webservers /cgi-bin/formamil.cgi...I think. Anyway what I want to achive is for the user form to be emailed as an attachment instead of in the body of the email message. Put simply after the users have filled out forms and hit "SEND" button it attaches the form in the HTML format and mails to me.Can anyone offer a fix or know a cgi / javascript programme that will work..<br />
Any help appreciated and thanc for your time..<br />
GaryB:confused:<!--content-->that is asking a lot. you would ahve to get the contents of the form and have it 1) inserted into a zipped file 2) ad it to another file and then attach that. making the attachment is kind of hard to do.<!--content-->Not sure why it would have to be zipped scoutt, but as for sending it as an attached html file, well that I don't know about. Closest I can come to is sending it as an attached .txt file in the form of a flat-file database. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for one that'll do that.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->nah, it doesn't have to be zipped. I was just using that as an example. ;)<!--content-->