HTML:For loop in vbScript


New Member
I`m trying to add three labels and three controls in a row. Code\[code\]<html> <body> <tr> <% dim CountFlg CountFlg = 0 for i=0 to XmlNodes.length-1 if CountFlg <= 2 then %> <td class="style3" > <span class="style4"> <b><%=XmlNodes.item(i).getAttribute("Name")%></b> </span>&nbsp; </td> <TD> <input class="FullTextArea" style="height:35px;overflow:auto;padding-left:80px;" rows="5"cols="10"> </input> </TD> <% CountFlg=CountFlg+1 end if next%> </tr> </html></body>\[/code\]Here XmlNodes will have more than 3 xml nodes.So what i have to do is,display three in a row,and after three again next row will have three more labels+controls(TextArea) and so on.Is there a better logic to implement this?Suggest me some some answers please.