HTML Email resources?


Hi all!<br />
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I'm looking for some good resources on the technical issues facing HTML email and different email software. I'm also searching for a good forum / messageboard on the subject.<br />
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If anyone could enlighten me on where to find any of this the karma will surely return well for you.<br />
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THANKS!<!--content-->facing html email? like mailto:[email protected]<br />
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that is the only html emial I know. or are you taliing about programs that spam people with unknown emial and spooking where they change the name they send it to while all along it is just your email addy.<br />
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serverside programming like cgi,php, and asp can also send html email. technical problems like what????<!--content-->No, I'm talking about some of the technical aspects of sending HTML emails. Not as spam but for Opt-In subscribers and newsletters.<br />
Different Email clients read HTML emails, but they are different in what code they are able to handle. <br />
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I'm looking for some resources on this.<!--content-->well I haven't heard of any. most email programs can handle html emails. unless they turn it off or don't except it. I have seen some html emails that have problems with sending images.<br />
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besides, html is html in all email programs.<!--content-->