HTML Editors?


I've just started out learning HTML and Javascript. I've been using Windows Notepad to do my coding so far. However, I've been kicking around the idea of using some other programs (just for the experience mainly). I've heard a lot about Frontpage and Dreamweaver MX. Should I invest the money on either of these two? Or are there any free programs out there that work just as well? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.<!--content-->Dreamweaver is a very good program to use, learning how to use it isn't hard, it can save you a lot of time in almost every aspect<br />
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it's worth every penny you pay for it!<!--content-->Notepad. Or if you want tag/attribute highlighting and smart indenting, use HTML-kit. Personal opinion: WYSISYGs are not worth the money.<!--content-->I own Dreamweaver 4 and it sits and collects dust at this moment. I've tried various free text editors and so far I thought they were alright. The one text editor I use is Edit Plus. It has a 30-day trial period and it's $30 to buy. For me it has a much higher bang per buck than what Dreamweaver, or FRontpage offers.<!--content-->my 2 pennies:<br />
notepad is very good for small sites. managing larger sites with notepad is hard<br />
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back in the day i used to use CoffeeCup (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). i was happy. i mostly used it as a tool to help me learn HTML.<br />
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big no on frontpage. it is very painful to deal with if you have the slightest clue what HTML is.<br />
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Adobe GoLive is a good product.<br />
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I haven't used dreamweaver, but i've heard mostly good things about it.<!--content-->I use Dreamweaver MX and like it. I program quite a bit in PHP, and it has good color coding for PHP syntax, so that helps me quite a bit...<!--content-->Thanks for the input everyone. Pyro, I've visited your sites and I really like them. I think I'll buy Dreamweaver and see if I like it. As a student, I can get it for $99. Pyro, if I have any questions, I'll give send them to you.<!--content-->Glad you liked my sites!<br />
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Originally posted by Rifter72 <br />
Pyro, if I have any questions, I'll give send them to you. Better off posting back to these forums, where there is a much greater knowledge base. Chances are, I'll see you post, and if I know the answer, I'll try to help. But, if you need to contact me, you know where my site is. :D<!--content-->