I have a horizontal list which is fine.The image is shown below.
The list right under the header is the list im talking about. What I want to achieve is basically you see each links wording is all in one line, e.g. "Mash's Famous Wings"Well what im trying to do is create a fixed height and width (same for all) for all the li elements in the list. So this means that some of the words will go down into a new line.See Smokey Bones Menu Sub Navigationas an example.This is my CSS so far:\[code\]#menunavigation{position:fixed;top:100px;left:50px;z-index:1; color:white; }#menunavigation a {color:white; }#menunavigation ul{list-style-type:none;height:50px;}#menunavigation ul li{display:inline;max-width:15px;margin-right:5px; }\[/code\]