HTML Commands


Does Anyone:confused: Know a Command To Freeze or Lock The Computer that visits that site, and also ANyone know the COmmand to Pop up Dialoge boxes, im kinda of new at this rofl<br />
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Anyone Know HoW to Make A KeyLoger :rolleyes:<!--content-->Are you serious?<!--content-->Yes, Why<!--content-->Why on earth do you want a page that freezes up the computer? Or, why would someone here help you (I hope no one does). And a key logger? The type that records every key stroke of the victim? If we're on the same page with that, than hell no. Those are illegal, aren't they?<!--content-->Well for a start html cant do the first or the latter as it is a language to structure web documents. <br />
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About the pop up command that is javascript.<br />
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But these the latter is a form of computer violation i think.<!--content-->You cannot use a website to attack a computer. The only possible thing is to use a malitious applet, but guess what, that will only fly on ie, and there have been numerous patches. If you get them to click yes on some active x thing you could conceivably get them some mal ware or something. But a website is not the way to attack a machine. Even if you could do it this way, us helping you would be a violation of the TOS of this forum :p. BTW to try to make a keylogger with js, well you just can't do it, because any text they would be typeing on your site would be going into your form so it is really kind of pointless.<!--content-->I understand how it can be considered a computer violation. However, this sounds like an innocent plea for a Popup Dialog. The other idea I won't touch.<br />
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Popup Dialog-OK box only:<br />
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<script type="text/javascript"><br />
<!--<br />
window.alert("Welcome!");<br />
--><br />
</script><br />
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Popup Dialog-OK and Cancel boxes:<br />
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<script...<br />
...<br />
window.confirm("Continue?");<br />
...<br />
</script><!--content-->Pease do not ask questions which can potentially invade some one's property(computer) or shut it off without their will.How would you feel if some one took over your PC and fried the HD?<br />
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Take this as a warning and refrain from looking for help in such matters here.<!--content-->