html code for uploading to a site?


Hey Everyone,<br />
Hows it going,<br />
I was just wondering whether anyone knew a way i could put an upload page on my site using html as i dont know any other scripting. <br />
Thanx in advance.<br />
Chris.<!--content-->Nope. You'll need a real programming language like perl or php. It won't be hard to locate one of these scripts though, lists a few. There is an off-chance that you will be able to find a javascript that can do this. <br />
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If you do use a pre-made cgi or php script though, you'll still need to be familiar with the language (at least a little) in order to install it.<!--content-->I'm not sure what exactly you mean by an upload page.<br />
If you mean you want others to be able to upload to your site - then you are going to need perl or some something similar.<br />
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I'm sure that it's not possible using just HTML.<br />
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If you don't know any scripting languages - it's not the end of the world. There are so many free scripts available, that I'm sure you could find anything you want.<br />
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Installing the script is usually not so difficult (well, not always...) and the instructions are invariably in the readme file.<br />
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Just need to make sure that your webspace has perl enabled.<!--content-->I dont get what do you exactly mean by upload??<br />
can you describe it for once.<br />
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Amruta..<!--content-->i mean a page where my visitors can upload files to my site.<!--content-->Even if you could use HTML, I would use a server-side language for security purposes.<!--content-->You can upload file from user. You can take the help of ASP(Active Server Pages) coding.<br />
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AMRUTA..<!--content-->You've to make one accessible Folder on your Server.<br />
It would be easier if you use a second server, only for those user-uploads. <br />
Then just make your FTP-Dates ONLY for this folder or seperate server public on your site!<br />
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Must not everyone get acces to your private files. And safe the new files as soon as possible, before some friendly people doing wrong things...<br />
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That's easier than with a sript or not?<br />
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