HTML Basic


I have just started out with HTML and I am following a manual.Having typed the following into wordpad<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD>LearningHTMLHomepage</TITLE><br />
<TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
and trying to place some text/content between the 2 body tags, nothing shows.<br />
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I think the problem is that I`m using iE6 which was Download <!--more-->ed from microsoft website, when I save the file as a text file ( index.htm) open up iE6 and browse for the file the htm element of the naming of the file sometimes disappears, when I take it from the browser into ie6 the wordpad just appears as above ( it all written in notepad with tags and all) <br />
<br />
Could somebody please point out what I am doing wrong?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->Make sure you save it with the right extension (.htm). Sometimes Notepad likes to save it with ".txt">abectech07-03-2003, 01:55 PMi think robot88888888 had it right. Your title would include the other tags because the second title wasnt ended. If youuse the text he put int it will appear correct. IF youhave any other questions emaill me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Originally posted by zapet <br />
I have just started out with HTML and I am following a manual.Having typed the following into wordpad<br />
Hi zapet,<br />
First suggestion: use Notepad instead of Wordpad.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD>LearningHTMLHomepage</TITLE><br />
<TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
If this code is accurate the way you presented it here, what your browser should be displaying is this:<br />
LearningHTMLHomepage<br />
The reason is that you didn't properly open your <title> tag. You closed it first, then opened it. Everything after that open <title> tag is supposed to be hidden. Correct your use of that tag, and you'll see what you are putting between the two <body> tags.<br />
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I think the problem is that I`m using iE6 which was Download <!--more-->ed from microsoft website, when I save the file as a text file ( index.htm) open up iE6 and browse for the file the htm element of the naming of the file sometimes disappears, when I take it from the browser into ie6 the wordpad just appears as above ( it all written in notepad with tags and all) <br />
<br />
Could somebody please point out what I am doing wrong?<br />
<br />
Thanks What you described here will leave you with a file name of WHATEVERFILE.HTM.TXT. That is a text file, not a html file, and your browser is displaying exactly what it should: the exact contents of a text file. When saving your file, be sure to choose 'All Files' in the 'Save as type' field, and remember to include the .htm extension on your file name.<br />
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Hope this helps, and be sure to let us know how things go.<br />
Aronya1<!--content-->Originally posted by robot88888888 Just a side note:<br />
You might want to get used to typing your tags using lower case. If the web world switches to XHTML instead of HTML, you'll thank yourself later. <br />
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XHTML and XML can be written in either lower or upper case. So long as the format remains the same throughout the document.<!--content-->Originally posted by Hester <br />
XHTML and XML can be written in either lower or upper case. So long as the format remains the same throughout the document. I'm afraid that that's wrong. XML is case sensitive; elements must match the case as they were declaired in the DTD. In the XHTML DTDs elements and attributes are all lower case.<!--content-->