HTML Area Mapping


Hi there<br />
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I'm totally new to this forum so Hello to eveybody.<br />
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Please can you help me out. I have this map which I would like to put into a HTML page and then have a user click on different areas of the map and be taken to several different spreadsheets. <br />
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I did some research and found this HTML command called Area Mapping. I followed all the instructions carefully and even found some other examples on the net (that worked fine) to campare with my code.<br />
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Can anybody tell me why the following will not work. It displays the title and the map (map.gif)but there is no place on the entire page which lets me click onto and be taken to another webpage (test.html).<br />
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<html><br />
<br />
<head><br />
<Center><h1><u><b><font size+10> MEZZ SPACE ALLOCATION MAP </font></b></u></h1></center><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<map name="mezz"><br />
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="92,92,135,145" HREF="test.html"><br />
</map><br />
<br><br />
<br><br />
<center><img src="map.gif" usemap"#mezz"></center><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
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Thanks for the help.<br />
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zoom<br />
:rocker: :rocker: =:O =:O =:O<!--content-->i think it may because you closed the map (/map) before instering the pic, put the image src above the map name, ie<br />
<br />
<body><br />
<img src="map.gif" usemap"#mezz"><br />
<map name="mezz"><br />
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="92,92,135,145" HREF="test.html"><br />
</map><br />
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center, font, b, u are all deprecated for css (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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welcome to the forum :)<!--content-->Sorry that didn't seem to make much any difference. Still have my map but no place to click. Could my COORDS be the problem???<br />
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Oh and thanks for the welcome :-)<!--content-->Na na na....<br />
a typo.....<br />
src="map.gif" usemap="#mezz" <br />
will do it<br />
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missing =<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->AWWWWW NO WAY!!!!<br />
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I cannot believe I missed that out....I've been racking my brain over this for the last 2<br />
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Thank you ever sooo much for your help Petervazed.<br />
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Just goes to show how much of a newbie I am at this HTML Game.<br />
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Thanks again<br />
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Zoom<!--content-->Your welcome....<br />
and...<br />
keep on smiling ;) ;)<br />
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* * * :rocker: * * *<!--content-->Originally posted by zoom <br />
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Just goes to show how much of a newbie I am at this HTML Game.<br />
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It's not just newbies that miss things like that, I just pent about half an hour looking at your code and couldn't work out what was wrong with it!! ;)<!--content-->Originally posted by Goldilocks <br />
It's not just newbies that miss things like that, I just pent about half an hour looking at your code and couldn't work out what was wrong with it!! ;) <br />
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ditto :)<!--content-->Excellent! :D Very well said both Goldi and Leoo. ;) <br />
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Jeeze, I can relate to this as I’ve just spent 2-3 evenings meticulously researching and finally achieved what’s been a bit of a "holy grail" for me. Valid code with the proprietary <embed> element and its attributes (including Flash etc in browsers that reject <object></object>). Done it in xhtml and html 4.01 and it’s all working and passing the validation tests. :D <br />
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I researched a whole load of stuff about this and saw that it can be achieved with hacks, but the techies on several sites seemed to agree the best way to do it is with a custom dtd. So, with a great deal of head scratching, numerous clangers, and more research along the way I’ve achieved it. Okay, I know others have done it but this has been something I’ve pondered for ages.<br />
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But!!! And it's a big but, after the initial euphoria I’m left wondering is all the effort worth it, I go for valid code every time but what I’ve just been through means absolutely zilcho to your average surfer. Anyways, I’m tweaking it up a bit more and gonna start a thread about it in the next few days. But yeah, well said Goldi and Leoo, we all sometimes spend ages missing the obvious. Jeeze, I can relate to that. :D<!--content-->