html and attachments


hi there.<br />
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ive tried lookin on the internet and found code to do what i want however it doesnt work - no not ME but IT lol :)<br />
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right i have code which basically has a form and you enter a few details - hit submit and it sends me an email with an attachment automatically - with the values from the form fields in that attachment<br />
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problem 1) - why is the attachment messy? is there no way just to email the values exactly how it is in the fields of the form?<br />
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apart from that i wish to add an attachment feature which only allows pictures of any format (jpg, bmp, tiff etc..)<br />
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i found code - put it in but obviously it doesnt work.<br />
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when it goes to email the attachment/form - in the email address it always puts a /start at the end of it and no attachments or anything.<br />
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if i take out this code - all works fine but with the side effect of not being able to submit a picture :(<br />
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help!<!--content-->What code? Post it here, or better still post the URL of that webpage it is on...<!--content-->thanks for the reply :)<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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its also on my website<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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I really want this sorted out :(<br />
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you can save the file - then change the "mailto:" code to your email addy and test it - there will be an attachment (.tmp extension) and in this will display the result or values from the form - is there no way on just putting all the information neatly in an email instead of the messy attachment?<br />
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and also - i would like to know how to code it so that attachments of pictures can be added and sent.<br />
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thanks :)<!--content-->I would never use mailto: in a form, since<br />
1) the email you receive is completely messy<br />
2) the user submitting the form cannot send any email unless he's using outlook, M2 or any similiar mail program.<!--content-->thats also exactly what im talking about :) how do i make it so it sends from the server via email or something?<br />
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PLEASE help :)<!--content-->You either need<br />
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1) a server which supports some serverside language, such as Perl or PHP, and sendmail, and a formmail script, or<br />
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2) sign up for a remotely hosted form-to-email script, which usually work but show your users some of their banners, look here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rocessing/</a><!-- m --><br />
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Hope this helps.<!--content-->thanks :)<br />
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what about html attachments? or would that have to be done using php/perl/cgi<!--content-->im not allowed to use formmail - its banned by the ISP (SUCKS!!!!!) :(<!--content-->Look at the link I gave, and try to find a service that allows attachments - if you can't find any, then you'll probably have to find a host that has formmail, and that'll be hard too unless you pay (formmail isn't mostly provided in free services due to spamming).<!--content-->thanks :) i have a webserver which does support cgi php ssh mysql ssi etc... but going to see if i can convince my uncle to get the webserver :)<br />
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i will try the suggestions on my own server...see how it goes<br />
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thanks<!--content-->ok forget about the "attachment" field for the time beng - im searching on the internet about how to create those form cgi mailers - i have found one but unsure of alot of stuff and not much technical or much information there on usage etc...<br />
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would it be possible if you could guide me to the correct lines (apart from the site agent007 listed there)?<br />
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any help is greatly appreciated :)<!--content-->ok i found a perl script that does what i want it to do - and edited it to my satisfaction however no email is sent! it does work bcos if i leave out the "email address" - that is a required field and it prompts me to enter the email address!<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> - thats the file<br />
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here is the code anyway - thanks<!--content--><!--content-->thanks :)<br />
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*eeeeek*<!--content-->ok ive made it work now with big help to someone i know - made it in php<br />
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but now how do i add file attachments and send it by email? (pictures in particular)<br />
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thx<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... siteid=493</a><!-- m --> <br />
I already showed you.<!--content-->thanks :0<br />
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too hard - i dont get it - i will try :(<!--content-->002, not 007. Don't let Mr. Bond in my avatar fool you.<!--content-->