html 3.2 valid web counter


Hi, I'm using html 3.2 and would like to know of any free web counters that would validate correctly, using (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) html validation. One or two counters I tried don't validate correctly. Thank you. Pater<!--content-->why are you using 3.2??? upgrade man to 4.01<!--content-->It will be hard to validate them to HTML 3.2 but might be possible if you post the code and error list here.<br />
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However, you are probably far better off spending the time to make your pages work to the HTML 4.01 Transitional specs instead.<!--content-->Hi, I upgraded to html 4.01, but the web counter still doesn't validate on And Im not supposed to change any of the counter code. Anyone know a code for a valid counter I could insert at the bottom of my page? Thank you.<!--content-->It would help if you posted the code or a link to the page with this on it.<!--content-->The counter people don't want you to mess with the piece of the code that queries their server, but I don't think you would ever have any problems with doing simple things like adding an alt attribute to the counter image and other simple stuff like that.<br />
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Again, post the code here, and the list of errors, and lets see what needs doing. I have always had to make minor changes to the counter code supplied, and never had any problems with it working afterwards.<!--content-->Ok, Here is the counter code and the error report (4 errors) from Thanks.<br />
<a href="" target="_top"><img border="0" alt="Counter" src="" ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPACE="2"></a><br><a href="" target="_top"><font color="#666666">American Singles</font></a><br />
<br />
Line 1012, column 168: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "s" <br />" ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPA<br />
^<br />
Line 1012, column 168: general entity "s" not defined and no default entity (explain...). <br />" ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPA<br />
^<br />
Line 1012, column 169: reference to entity "s" for which no system identifier could be generated <br />" ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPAC<br />
^<br />
Line 1012, column 167: entity was defined here <br />" ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSP<br />
^<!--content-->you have to change ALL & into &amp;<br />
<br />
it isn't just the counter code, but you should do it to all code anyway. fixing that 1 error will cure all 4 of those errors.<!--content-->ok! I made that & change to the code and now it validates correctly as 4.01 transitional. Thanks. I see that the counter doesnt increment by 1 when I reload. It only increments when the IP changes. But is there a counter which can increment by 1 when the IP changes AND also when I reopen the website (having just closed it), but not to increment when I reload it? Thanks.<!--content-->you would have to search at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for a script to do that.<br />
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edit: thanks Aaron<!--content--> ot...not to ;)<!--content-->hmm...tried the hot counter site..cant seem to locate the actual counter code, anyone know a piece of free code I could use, without ads? Just a simple one would do, that I could insert in the index.html page. Thnx.<!--content-->That is the correct action for a counter.<br />
<br />
You want to record the number of visitors, not the number of times the page was viewed. <br />
<br />
If someone sits there hitting the "reload" button, then you don't want to falsely record hundreds of page views.<br />
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You only want to record it as one visitor.<!--content-->Personally I like extremetracking<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
free to sign up and they keep track of almost everything.<!--content-->ok. I uploaded that "extreme" counter, and after changing the & to & I still have 2 errors in they are: <br />
Line 1041, column 61: required attribute "TYPE" not specified (explain...). <br />
<br />
Line 1041, column 61: required attribute "TYPE" not specified (explain...). <br />
<br />
...r=0 width=41 alt=""></a><script language="javascript1.2"><!--<br />
^<br />
Line 1044, column 38: required attribute "TYPE" not specified (explain...). <br />
<br />
</script><script language="javascript"><!--<br />
^<br />
any ideas? Thnx.<!--content-->Your Script tags should look like this:<br />
<br />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/forward_erin.js"></script><br />
<br />
or<br />
<br />
<script ]type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><br />
***script stuff here***<br />
</script><!--content-->Add type="text/javascript" to every <script> tag.<!--content-->Thanks for the advice.It's valid now.<!--content-->