

how do you create a .htaccess file?? I tried with notepad but i kept telling me i had to have something before the fullstop.<!--content-->That would work if you were on a *NIX machine, but on Windows you'll need to create and edit the file while it's on the server. This file probably already exists and you should be able to just go in and edit it online...<br />
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[J]ona<!--content-->Actually, you can do this on a Wintel platform too, you just need to use console or some console shell. For example, if you use Far Manager (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rarlab.com/">http://www.rarlab.com/</a><!-- m -->), just press SHIFT+F4, enter the filename (.htaccess) and then enter it's content =)<!--content-->You can use notepad to name the file as htacccess and use fpt software such as ws_ftp and rename it to .htaccess before uploading to the server.<!--content-->In notepad save as... File name: ".htaccess" with the quotes and as file type: All files, easy.<!--content-->Anyway, Far Manager+Colorer 4ever Plug-In = Best PHP editor and FTP client<!--content-->