htaccess with multiple commands?


New Member
hey guys,i'm currently trying to do a little upload-feature for some of my clients, so that they can easily upload larger files onto my server.therefore i did a subdomain (which links to /uploads)inside of this /uploads i have an .htaccess file which asks for a userpasswd\[code\]AuthType BasicAuthName "Uploads to mysite"AuthUserFile /home/.sites/74/site484/web/.htpasswdRequire valid-user\[/code\]that works fine, however now i want to add another line in this htaccess file.\[code\]suPHP_ConfigPath /home/.sites/74/site484/web/stf/uploads/\[/code\]as soon as i add this i get an INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.just so you know i want to add this line to link to a custom php.ini file inside of my /uploads folder to ensure max_filesize etc. is set to a higher value.any ideas what i'm doing wrong? or why i can't add this line to the htaccess file without causing an error?regards matt