Htaccess To Let Php Create Files?


I'm writing a php script that needs to create files in a single directory. The format of the files would be something like /cache/ce37925d2912fc54927f566048280851.html.<br /><br />The bit code after /cache/ is a randomly generated name for the file.<br /><br />The file does not exist before. How can I set just the cache directory to allow php the ability to create new files?<!--content-->
Set the permissions to 777 on the cache folder. That's the only way I know of.<!--content-->
I had already done this. Didn't work. Any other takers on the htaccess question?<!--content-->
I guess my question would be how you're trying to create the files.<br /><br />For what it's worth, I can use fopen and fwrite to create and edit files (even if they don't exist) without worrying about changing anything in .htaccess. All I had to do, like Bruce said, was make sure the directory I was creating the files in was set to 777.<!--content-->