htaccess - error redirecting: 500 Internal Server Error



i uploaded this .htaccess file;

ErrorRedirect 404 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

(where is the path to the page, DOH)
but everytime i try to get ANY file in the dir I put it in, i get a Internal Server Error
what can be wrong?
-I use .htaccess files for other dirs (to protect them with user+pass) successfully-
Thanks in advance,

/FlyingDutchmancould you post your htaccess file (sounds like a direct problem)

and please register!

stressing the registration for users, it's just a goal of mine
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:in my 1st message... the code between the
that's everything my .htaccess file contains...
(of course i changed the URL of the 404-html-page to mine... I'm not such a BIG idiot!:D)


(BTW, i'll register later...)mabey it's the redirect giving you problems... try it with Document like below

ErrorDocument 401 /401.html
ErrorDocument 403 /403.html
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /500.html

hope it helps
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:It works now!!!
thank you very much!!!
