I have a fairly massive web site for which I need to modify the names of the files shown in the URL. I am using Apache 2 with mod_rewrite enabled. I currently have the following configuration in my .htaccess file:\[code\]RewriteEngine onRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^CakeList\.php$ TastyThingsList.php [T=application/x-httpd-php]\[/code\]Now, when I access the http://mysitename/CakeList.php I do indeed see the data for the TastyThingsList.php page. If a user types in http://mysitename/TastyThingsList.php, they do see the page, but rather than the address bar reading "TastyThingsList.php" I want it to read "CakeList.php". Is this possible to accomplish using mod_rewrite? Note that the CakeList.php page does not actually exist, I am more or less using it as an alias for the TastyThingsList.php page. I have been reading many of the online tutorials for mod_rewrite, but I cannot seem to find the answer. In short, whether the user types: http://mysitename/CakeList.php or http://mysitename/TastyThingsList.php, I would like the address in the browser to show http://mysitename/CakeList.php.Thank youWebCow