howto combine user tables from 2 db?


New Member

i have 2 forums and one of them has 13k member and the other 160k and i want to combine user table?

My problem is i cant combine because in user table in db should be start with different user_id because if its same its problem

So how can i solve?

i already merged user table from 2nd db but when i add that table to first one old members renewing with new ones

I can explain u my user table

`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

this line from first db INSERT INTO user VALUES('1', '6', '', '0', '
this line from second db INSERT INTO user VALUES('1', '2', '', '0', '

but i want to change second db user_id's 13002 etc. to avoid renew older ones
masterofdeath said:
i used impex but it gives following error

invalid, skipping.Failed on: usergroupid

and not adding :(

U shouldn't import usergroups b/c u dont' know who is admins or additional admin and its a security risk for ur site