how would i do this?


New Member
below is not the exact code i am using, but close (cut some stuff out for posting here).

$query = "SELECT * FROM impactupdate WHERE date LIKE '$select' ORDER BY country";
$result2 = mysql_query($query,$linkID);
for ($x = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_row($result2); ++$x)
echo "$row[0]"; ?>
(<?echo "$row[1]";?>
<?echo "$row[3]";?>
<? } ?>

okay, this works. $row[0] prints out the name of a country.

Now, I have this OTHER table , called emdat. So what I want is, if the country printed out in $row[0] (from table impactupdate) is in the field country in the table emdat, i want to print out a picture next to the country name. Can anyone give me hints to go about doing this?