HOW to write Javascript in VB.NET?


how can i write if statment in javascript that returns true or false values to

i mean.. how can i do it to look like the following

javascript code:if (confirm('Are you sure you want to book an appiontment??'))
{return true;

do some VB.NET Code

} else {

return false;

Do some other VB.NET Code


Please help...VB.NET is run on the sever, javascript runs on the client. You can not combine the two.

You are going to have to cause a post back to the server in order to talk with the code.

Ericand how can i do that?? can you give me an example Please?? :)Either use the javascript to modify a query string which the server can read values from or use javascript to modify a form input (hidden) so the server can retrieve the value at post of the form. But the downside of javascript is that it is not going to work for everyone. It will fail for roughly 10% of the internet. So when using javascript keep that in mind and use it for nonessential things or have a backup for those who do not support it.