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\[code\]<Script>function getExperience(){ var xp = document.getElementById('txt_XP').value; document.getElementByID("plank").innerHTML = xp/30;}</Script>\[/code\]So here is my code, and my problem is that I seem to be unable to write over data in a table with the id's planl, oakPlank, teakPlank, and mahoganyPlank. I am thinking that I may be making an obvious mistake to someone who has done this sort of thing before, but I can't seem to catch it. Any help is much appreciated, and here is a snippet of my table, if it helps:\[code\]<tr> <td>Plank</td> <td id="plankXP">30</td> <td id="plank">0</td></tr>\[/code\]EDIT: I didn't realize that this may be pertinent, my bad. This is the form I used to get input, which after putting an alert in to see if it could retrieve the XP, it functioned correctly:\[code\]<form name="experience" id="experience_frm" action="#"> Experience: <input type="text" name="XP" id="txt_XP"/> <input type="submit" value="" onclick="getExperience();"/></form>\[/code\]