How to write data to xml from database using aspx pages?


New Member
I have some stored proc.s that get data from DB.I made some data access layers classes to get the data from the sql dbI have some Xml files that should be filled with this data. I'm supposed to link between them using aspx pages. Now, I want to know how can I read data at the aspx page from the xml file to send it to the server, and how can I write data from the db to the xml files. I used to use json, but is there a method in which I can send and receive data without using json & just using XML ? This is my XML File: \[code\]<allNews><news> <gNews> <flag>List of categories IDs this article linked to</flag> <title>news title goes here</title> <description>news description goes here</description> <date>news date goes here</date> </gNews></news> \[/code\]This is the function that retrieves a list from the database: \[code\]XDataContext XDB = new XDataContext(); public getCategoryContentListResult GetCategoryContentList(int contentID) { return XDB.getCategoryContentList(contentID).SingleOrDefault<getCategoryContentListResult>(); }\[/code\]I want to know how can I connect these two files using aspx. When I used Json I used to do this: [I read data from an ajax call at the javascript file)\[code\] private getCategoryContentListResult GetCategoryList() { int ContentID = int.parse(Request.QueryString["country"]); int res = getCategoryContentListResult(ContentID); JsonResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res); } Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Response.Write(Request.QueryString["jsoncallback"] + "(" + JsonResponse + ");"); Response.End(); \[/code\]Now I can't use Json, I just have to use XML. SO is there some method to do it ?