How to widen Style

ACP->Style Manager->Edit the StyleVars->Main Table Width (pixels or percentage). There will be a text input box next to Main Table Width (pixels or percentage), I would suggest something like 75%+ :)
blkobswg said:
ACP->Style Manager->Edit the StyleVars->Main Table Width (pixels or percentage). There will be a text input box next to Main Table Width (pixels or percentage), I would suggest something like 75%+ :)

When i make it bigger it isent centerd =[ only stretches it to the right side said:
if I have my own background picture , where do I add the codeline for that ?
I don't know. I have my own Admin that does the skins for me :)
TheOriginal said:
When i make it bigger it isent centerd =[ only stretches it to the right side

hmm... I am drawing a blank on how to fix this... Did you use a percent or a pixel number?