How to view another site on my webpage


Ok, first of all I know some basic html and css but really I am a newbie to building webpages. My husband has a website that I have been helping him with (mostly the text, and some positioning). I would like to know, is there a way to view another website inside of one of his webpages. Right now I just have the site linked to open in a new window with a java script. I really want to have it open in the same page, like maybe in a table so that my main links bar and everthing else is still there. Forgive me for lacking the correct terminology for this. I have tried to search for a way to accomplish this, but have come up with nothing, porbably because I do not know how to refer it. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciative.<!--content-->Hi there, Its called iframes<br />
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I am having the same problem with opening two iframes with one button...<br />
At least you know what they are called now so I hope that helps...I am a noob to all this too....<br />
:)<!--content-->pamlalee<br />
thank you for the info, that should help with me search<!--content--><iframe src="page.htm"><br />
</iframe><br />
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correct?<!--content-->Check out the posts in my thread "damsel in distress" should help out alot! ;)<!--content-->About the only way you could get one site to open up inside another is to use some sort of frame - either standard frames or iFrames. Personal opinion is that if you're going to put a new site into your own, use frames and have only the top frame as your navigation. Similar to what the "AskJeeves" site does.<br />
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But there can be a few problems with doing that. First off, I suspect you'd need written permission from the outside site to, effectively, copy all their material onto your site. Even if you keep the majority of the site as yours, navigation and so on, you could still run into copyright legal problems. <br />
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The other problem with putting one site inside another is the layout. It wouldn't be too bad, I think, if you were putting a fluid site, or one designed for 800x600 resolution into a 1024x768 site. Any side navigation would still fit, but putting two sites of the same size together, or a large site into a smaller one is going to give you headaches. Not to mention the fact that you could easily be destroying the appearance of someone else's hard work. <br />
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What confuses me, though, is why you'd use javascript for a new window. It's not necessary. The link could just read: <a href="" target="_blank">New Site</a>. That would automatically open up a new page for the link.<br />
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Good luck!<br />
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Peg<!--content-->pegasus<br />
thank you for the info, as for the java script, it is the only way I know how to make the new window open the size and in the position I want it, if you know of a better way for this, i would be interested in learning<br />
thank you to everyone for your responses<!--content-->thank you everyone for the info, I got the site on my page using the <iframe src=""></iframe><br />
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so this is my next question, the page that I have inserted in the frame is a login page which is a completely different site than mine. when i input my login info it just refreshes the screen with the site page that i have in the frame, at this point after a user inserts their login info i want the page to open to the other companies website so they can view their account info. I guess I should have stated that all before. <br />
If this makes any sense at all, if anyone has any advise again I would be grateful<!--content-->if you load a website in your page and you want it to open a new window when you enter your info then there is no way you can change it. that is on the other site and not yours.<!--content-->scoutt,<br />
thanks for the info<br />
I figured as much, but was hoping that I am so new to this that maybe there was something I out there that I hadn't heard about<!--content-->