I want to store password in an encrypted form. I have used sha256.My code is as below\[code\]public static string ComputeHash(string plainText) { int minSaltSize = 4; int maxSaltSize = 8; Random random = new Random(); int saltSize = random.Next(minSaltSize, maxSaltSize); byte[] saltBytes = new byte[saltSize]; RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); rng.GetNonZeroBytes(saltBytes); byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText); byte[] plainTextWithSaltBytes = new byte[plainTextBytes.Length + saltBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < plainTextBytes.Length; i++) plainTextWithSaltBytes = plainTextBytes; for (int i = 0; i < saltBytes.Length; i++) plainTextWithSaltBytes[plainTextBytes.Length + i] = saltBytes; HashAlgorithm hash = new SHA256Managed(); byte[] hashBytes = hash.ComputeHash(plainTextWithSaltBytes); byte[] hashWithSaltBytes = new byte[hashBytes.Length + saltBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < hashBytes.Length; i++) hashWithSaltBytes = hashBytes; for (int i = 0; i < saltBytes.Length; i++) hashWithSaltBytes[hashBytes.Length + i] = saltBytes; string hashValue = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14474604/Convert.ToBase64String(hashWithSaltBytes); return hashValue; }\[/code\]Now when user login i want to verify this passwordHow can i do that??