How to use XSL to expand and collapse summary/detail in xml?


New Member
The following code is in XSL fileHiI am trying to make content clickable so that one can view detail upon clicking.Itried to use available code but that gives me an error "style.display isnull or notan object"Here is the script:<script language="JavaScript">function showHideImportData(id){var importBlock=document.all(id);if ('none'){'block';}else {'none';}}</script>AND the code<h3 onclick="showHideImportData('detail');" style="cursor:hand;">ViewDetail</h3><div id="detail" style="display:none;"><b>Product:</b><xsl:value-of select="commodity"/><b>Arrival Date:</b><xsl:value-of select="arrival"/><b>Country:</b><xsl:value-of select="fcountry"/></div>Please post your replyThank you.Shailesh