How to use XML for data communication


New Member
I have a task of transforming an existing ASCII format of data communication of a simulation toolto an XML format. The XML or previous ASCII data contain database information and other parameterswhich the server needs for calculation of a task.Using JAXB , I managed to populate the required datas. And when I marshal it, I can see an XML structureas defined by the schema.\[code\]item item1 = new item();Parameter par1 = new Par1();par1.setName("DatabaseNr);par1.setContent("1500");------Marshalling---------Marshaller mar = context.createMarshaller();mar.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);----Printing----<Item > <Parameter Name="databaseNr">1500</Parameter> <Parameter Name="pressure"></Parameter> <Parameter Name="time"></Parameter></Item>\[/code\]My question is how could I locate the most important information like database number out of the very largeXML for furthur steps? Is this where I need the parsing? Thanks for your answers