I know and just checked there are lot of answers of this question. But I feel I have to ask myself with my specific example. Here goes the example:\[code\]<?php if($i==1){?><div class=yel><?php echo "Today at $hour:$min $ampm<br/> Event: $event<br/> Place: $place<br/> Description: $desp<br/> Contact info: $info";?></div><?php } ?>\[/code\]It worked in my pc but when I was trying this code in other pc it got error(parse, syntax). Trust me I tried on several computers. But no result. And the same code is working fine in my pc.So at last I come to a decision that my code is not neat and clean at all. So there may be something wrong with my code that I couldn't notice. You see I start & end PHP block again and again. You know well why I did that. Actually I am trying to avoid the tag within php block. So my question is, IS THERE ANY MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO USE DIV TAG OR ANY OTHER TAG WITHIN PHP BLOCK? Advance thanks.