How to use multiple xpath selectors in a YQL query


New Member
Hey, I'd like to scrape some data from my blog using YQL:\[code\]SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="" AND xpath="//div[@class='post']"\[/code\]How can I use different bits of xpath in my query? E.g. can I do something like:\[code\]SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="" AND xpath="//div[@class='post']" AND xpath ="//div[@class='title']"\[/code\]assuming I want to get the post and the title? I guess I could take in all the HTML but I'd rather only take what I need as speed is an issue here. Once I have the HTML I want to extract the text from the markup, is it OK to use PHP regular expressions for this?I also understand you can use CSS syntax, if you have experience using this with YQL and could guide me in how I could write a similar query to the one above but in CSS rather than XPATH I'd be grateful!Thanks.