Here is my code...\[code\]if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/shop/category/handheld-thermal-imaging/'){echo'<div class="current-mark"></div><div class="top-level"><a href="">HANDHELD<br />THERMAL IMAGING</a></div>';} else if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/shop/category/mobile-imaging/'){echo'<div class="current-mark"></div><div class="top-level"><a href="">MOBILE IMAGING</a></div>';}\[/code\]Basically this code displays a different left side site navigation depending on which page you're on in the site. It detects what page you're on by the URL of the page by using the PHP REQUEST_URI feature.My question is this, how can I make the code detect multiple URLs for the same navigation piece?I tried this code...\[code\]if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/shop/category/handheld-thermal-imaging/' , '/shop/iphone-thermal-imaging-adapter/'){\[/code\]But that code doesn't seem to work. Basically all I'm trying to figure out here is how I can use multiple URLs for the REQUEST_URI 'if' statement. Thanks in advance!