How to use mini profile hover in 3.7.3


New Member
We're trying to add the mini profile hover mod to our site but we can't work out how to do one part of it. In the instructions it says to open forumhone_loggedinuser and replace
rel="nofollow" onmouseover="ajax_member_popup_call = this;request_data = setTimeout('ajax_member_popup($loggedin[userid])', 500)" onmouseout="clearTimeout(request_data)"
but the rel="nofollow" doesn't exist in that file anymore, we added the 2nd bit of code to the end of that file but all it did was print out that line of code on the template!
Has anyone got this working in 3.7.3 and if so how did you do it, I have read that infernotech released a 3.7 version of this mod but no-one seems to have it and their site seems to have disappeared!
Can anyone help us girls out, pretty please X