Chick Flick
New Member
I'm doing an Aspnet application in vb and basically i got 2 langages that i can switch from french and English. I got a listbox where at the begining was just putting some filter in the collection properties. The only thing is now that i have two langages i have to change the filter in my list box. Can someone help me? I was thinking maybe there a way to call the listbox index in vb and to set it to a dictionnary for example but I really don't know how.I also need to get the value for each items example0,"Default") i need the 0 but when i do a selectedindex on my list box it give me -1(and sorry for the poor english it is not my native langagues)Thanks in advanceHere what I've done:\[code\] Dim ListFilter As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) If (LaLangue = "fr") Then ListFilter.Add(0, "D