How to use jqGrid Advanced Search /w Serverside PHP?


New Member
I've been playing around with jqGrid but cant work out how to implement the search functionality. Ideally I'd like to use the 'Advanced Search' - I imagine that when the user submits the advanced search form, the entered data is fired to the url specificed under 'editurl'? Im guessing this URL then outputs the resultset filtered using the search criteria.

My question is how is this actually done? Am I right in the URL data is sent to, and if so how can this data be accessed?

Im fairly decent at jQuery, and good at Javascript- Im using PHP for all server side stuff (expert knowledge, and of mySQL) but cant for the life of me seem to work this present my Java is:

\[code\]var lastsel; $("#list").jqGrid({ url:'example.php', datatype: 'xml', hidegrid: false, mtype: 'GET', colNames:['id','ti', 'na','al','de'], colModel :[ {name:'id', index:'id', width:55, hidden:true, key:true, resizable:true}, {name:'ti', index:'ti', width:75, resizable:true,editable:true}, {name:'na', index:'na', width:200, align:'left', resizable:true,editable:true}, {name:'al', index:'al', width:200, align:'left', resizable:true,editable:true}, {name:'de', index:'de', width:400, align:'left', sortable:false, resizable:true,editable:true} ], pager: '#pager', height:'100%', rowNum:10, searchGrid: {multipleSearch:true, caption : 'go'}, rowList:[50,100,200], sortname: 'ticker', sortorder: 'asc', viewrecords: true, editurl:'example.php', multipleSearch:true, caption: 'Definitions'}); \[/code\]

All help much appreciated!