How to, use IF tags?


New Member
I am using the Greenfox style on 3.8, and in my header template, I want to add IF tags so a link will show to certain usergroups, but if they are in other usergroups, they will see a different link. I have 3 usergroups that I want to see the different link.

To explain more in-depth; at the moment, ALL members can see the 'Membership' button which takes them to the subscriptions page (payments.php).

What I want is- When they have purchased a certain subscription from that page, they will no longer see the 'Membership' button- they should see another button- 'Classifieds', which will take them to 'classifieds.php'.

The thing is- there are 3 usergroups that I want to see the 'Classifieds' button.

Is it possible to do this using <IF> tags?

Here is the code for the MEMBERSHIP (payments.php) button from my Header template:

        <td width="78" height="34"  class="css_nav"><a href="payments.php" rel="nofollow"> Membership</a></td>

IF :D Anyone can help me, it would be most appreciated. :)
<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 1, 2, 3)">
blah blah what you want em to see
<else />
what you want everyone else to see. eg: you are not special

the 1 , 2 , 3 is the usergroup ID of your users