How to use Hyperlink to download a file by It's rootedpath?


New Member
I have two websites, one of them saves files in on the host machine in a folder named screensavers, and I save both the rooted path and none rooted path of each file in a database. I also have another website on the same host machine, and I want to create hyperlinks dynamically in that websote with diwnload links to those files which are in the other web site. How can I achieve this? I tried to set the \[code\]NavigateURL\[/code\] property of the hyperlink to rooted path but it did not work.\[code\]<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl="D:\Programming\ASP.NET\Bussiness Projects\TestWebsite\Screensavers\fb71ac40-67f8-4e19-ae9d-75e83c11d1a9\CSDic.exe">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink>\[/code\]