I have a data model like so \[code\] public class NewsItem{ public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string NewsTitle { get; set; } public virtual string NewsContent { get; set; } public virtual byte[] NewsImage { get; set; } public virtual DateTime DateAdded { get; set; } public virtual bool IsLive { get; set; }}\[/code\]I then display this data through a View like so:\[code\]@model BusinessObject.Domain.NewsItem<div class="row-fluid"> <h3> @Html.ValueFor(model => model.NewsTitle) </h3> <div class="span5"> <img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15662252/~/Content/images/stock.jpg" /> </div><div class="span7"><p> @Html.ValueFor(model => model.DateAdded)</p><p> @Html.ValueFor(model => model.NewsContent)</p></div> </div>\[/code\]I then save the data using the _db.SaveChanges() in my controller like so:\[code\][Authorize] [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(CreateNewsViewModel input) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var news = new NewsItem(); news.NewsTitle = input.nTitle; news.NewsContent = input.nContent; news.DateAdded = input.nDateAdded; news.IsLive = input.nIsLive; Mydb data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15662252/new Mydb(); data.NewsItems.Add(news); data.SaveChanges(); return View("Index", data.NewsItems); } else { return View(input); } }\[/code\]Currently I don't have an image upload bit. How would I go about this? In my db I have a binary field, and my data type in my object is a byte[]. But I don't know where I need to handle the Image Upload?Do I need a seperate action that returns the view? Some pointers on this would be grand. Cheers