how to upgrade to vb 7 without lose my mods

Turn them of ^^

Before you upgrade, go to ACP
Option > Plugin/Hook System > Off

Then turn them on.

Some of them may not work, but vBseo will still work, for sure ;)
I had about 15-20 mods inclusive vbseo, i just had little problem at style mods and you need to reconfigure them... but all will be ok.

I highly recommend to disable your mods, i had problems to =D
thanks for advices im gonna try first in my test forum

list of mods

award system
who has read a thread
who has visite today
who has posted today
image resizer
advanced posting rules
vbimage hosting
mp3 player
multiple login detector
ajax register
Just upgrade, but don't choose to delete previous tables in the SQL queries and stuff. But you can always re-install your mods.
it seems my bd dont work with 3.7.0

cause i upload and ovewrite all files but.. it gives me a database error

run the upgrade it appears the dialogue but.. i can enter into forum or adminco..
finally i try to reinstall and oks it works fine but i uoload the back up.. and nothing happens only data error..
vbulletin highly recommended that all plugins-and products be removed before install the upgrade. I had 39 diffrent plugins-hacks to uninstall..and the upgrade went smooth as a babys butt. Then I reinstalled only the hacks needed and no errors or problems.

Suggestion remove all hacks, plugins,products then try to reinstall.
filez said:
vbulletin highly recommended that all plugins-and products be removed before install the upgrade. I had 39 diffrent plugins-hacks to uninstall..and the upgrade went smooth as a babys butt. Then I reinstalled only the hacks needed and no errors or problems.

Suggestion remove all hacks, plugins,products then try to reinstall.

That would be a pain if you already have an established forum like mine. Disabling all products and plugins would be better imo and some copies of your database to be safe :)
If you want to disable/delete all the mods for upgrading it is quite boring ... so i repeat :)

Before you upgrade, go to ACP
Option > Plugin/Hook System > Off

After Upgrading turn them on.