How to update/modify webpage content with Javascript before page load completed?


New Member
I'm trying to display a progress bar during mass mailing process. I use classic ASP, disabled content compression too. I simply update the size of an element which one mimics as progress bar and a text element as percent value.However during the page load it seems Javascript ignored. I only see the hourglass for a long time then the progress bar with %100. If I make alerts between updates Chrome & IE9 refresh the modified values as what I expect.Is there any other Javascript command to replace alert() to help updating the actual values?Thanks!\[code\] ... Loop for ASP mail send code If percent <> current Then current = percent %> <script type="text/javascript"> //alert(<%=percent%>); document.getElementById('remain').innerText='%<%=percent%>'; document.getElementById('progress').style.width='<%=percent%>%'; document.getElementById('success').innerText='<%=success%>'; </script> <% End If ... Loop end\[/code\]