The file is uploading to the corresponding path but table (fileinfo) is not updating..How to achieve the table updation after a file is being uploaded to the server\[code\] string str = RadioButton1.Text; string path = Server.MapPath("~/" + str +"/") + e.FileName; AjaxFileUpload1.SaveAs(path); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost\\sqlexpress; Initial Catalog=example;user ID=sa;password=*******;"); con.Open(); string command1 = "insert into fileinfo(fileid,filename,date1) values(@fileid,@filename,@date1)"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(command1, con); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileid", "101"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", e.FileName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date1", DateTime.Now); command.ExecuteNonQuery();\[/code\]