How to turn off scrollbars or force text on one page?


I want my entire webpage to fit within the window when the resolution is set to 800*600, how can I turn off the scrollbars or what is wrong with my page that it has overflow?? <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->putting style="overflow:hidden" in the opening BODY tag will hide the scrollbar<!--content-->hi SugarGirl...<br />
<br />
i viewed your page in :<br />
IE 5.0<br />
Netscape 7.0<br />
Mozilla 1.4<br />
Opera 6.02<br />
<br />
and it looks different in every one of them.<br />
<br />
one of the problems appears to be your use of 100% for the image.<br />
Mozilla makes it HUGE.<br />
<br />
other than that... <br />
there isn't much that i can tell you, because you have the scrollbars disabled (i can't view the whole page on any of the browsers because it is too big for 800x600)<br />
<br />
I didn't add-up all of your percentages (of your tables)...<br />
but i'm sure that the culprit lies somewhere within the math.<br />
<br />
and if you are going to use (and nest) tables for layout (which I will not comment on ;) )...<br />
then maybe you should use a table that is 100x100 (%) and then nest everything else inside of that table.<br />
<br />
hopefully some of that was helpful to you (and if ANYONE attacks me about the "table" suggestion... well... just don't... okay? ;) )<br />
<br />
;) k<br />
<br />
(i know that Charles is lurking about :eek:<br />
i am sooo dead :rolleyes: )<!--content--><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Business Marketers</TITLE><br />
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