How to transfer...


New Member
Hi there..
I m totaly noob and asking for help, so don't be "mad" with my questions :)

Well, my forum was build by someone else who not support it anymore.. he build the forum direclty to the root..

1) I want to transfer the forum from the root directory to a forum dir..
ex. to
without losing any of mods and hacks i already added..
is there a way to do that? or i m gonna lose everything? and how i m gonna do it? :)

2) Is there a way to upgrade my 3.7.4 vbulletin to 3.8.2 without lose the mods?

Thank You all for any help!!
Moving from root to /forums should not be a problem, Moving from 3.7.4 is, depending on what mods you have installed. 3.8.2 may not be compatible with some or most of them.

To move to /forums, you need to physically move your files to the subfolder, of course, then you have to change the Forum location in vboptions to point to the new location. You may want also to add the path to your config.php file in the space provided a few lines down from where you access information in there. Make sure you use the full path per the example they provide...

As far as the upgrade goes, you may want to do the move first and make sure everything works because if you move AND upgrade at the same time, I think you will totally bypass your foot and shoot yourself in the head, frankly. Good luck.
Thanks bluescorpion for your help.. I ll do exactly what u said :)

If i upgrade to 3.8.2 and the mods not working what i have to do then? Reinstall them?
Reinstall the compatible versions of them ... My point is that you need to have a stable MOVED forum before you attempt to upgrade it. For sure jumping from 3.7.4 will break stuff, you don't want to be dealing with MOVE stuff and UPGRADE stuff at the same time, a troubleshooting nightmare of the first order ... trust me on this one ...
ok.. what u say to me is, first to move the forum and not upgrade to 3.8.2 till i check that everything works fine right?