Hi, <BR><BR>I want to synchronize two textBox which are placed on the same row of a datagrid, I mean, if I write "Hello" on TextBox1 I want TextBox2.text to be "Hello"...<BR><BR>Any Ideas without using a procedure?, any properties to do this?<BR><BR>Thanks!<BR>Salvador Gallego.You want client or server side? I am pretty sure you will need to use either a javascript or server side function. In javascript you can just go onchange="javascript:TextBox2.Value = http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/TextBox1.Value;" or something similiar.Right, but, one of this controls are indeed a htmlFileField control, so when I try to assing the value of myFileField (Id="myFileField") to myTextBox (Id="myTextBox") it don't recognice that values and it may be because this controls are placed on a datagrid or something, aniway I'm using the assing on the update procedure, so I'll try to use the equivalent in vb.net to the "onchange" JS function.<BR><BR>Thanks aniway!