How to style the br tag to have more space at the top and / or at the bottom?


New Member
This question aims to understand more about the \[code\]<br>\[/code\] tag:There is an HTML page that uses the following style to break the words into paragraphs:\[code\]<div> <br>200 words follows... <br>another 300 words... <br> <br>and 250 words...</div>\[/code\]I normally wouldn't style content this way, but would use the \[code\]<p> ... </p>\[/code\] tag for each paragraph. But let's say we don't re-structure the document, but just use CSS to style the \[code\]<br>\[/code\] tag so that each paragraph can have more empty space at the top (rather than none as the default), if just for the purpose of understanding the \[code\]<br>\[/code\] more, how can that be done? (although \[code\]<br>\[/code\] is somewhat a special element for line break, it should be style-able like other elements.)Note that \[code\]line-height\[/code\] won't work in this case, and in Chrome, it works differently than in Firefox on a Mac... it can be tried at Chrome, only 2 consecutive \[code\]<br>\[/code\] would give more space, and on Firefox, the behavior is weird and is harder to explain.