How to style different menu's in Orchard's navigation


New Member
I have successfully customized the orchard's main navigation menu.Now I wish to add a new menu to a different zone. The problem is when i add a new navigation menu it has the exact same style.The CSS gets applied in \[code\]Layout.cshtml\[/code\] to \[code\]Model.Navigation\[/code\] but how do i split this up?I have already split up all the menu specific CSS in a seperate file called menu.css that gets included in the \[code\]Layout.cshtml\[/code\].\[code\]Style.Include("menu.css"); @if (Model.Navigation != null) { <div id="layout-navigation" class="group"> <div id="navigation"> @Zone(Model.Navigation) </div> </div> }\[/code\]For example the current layout must remain the same for the main menu, the second menu on the other hand will require a whole different look.TLDR: How to apply different CSS when adding a new navigation menu?Side question: The look of this second navigation will be alike the tab navigation found in the admin panel, is there a elegant way of adapting this style if so where is this to be found?Thanks.