How to stop the horizontal scroll of textarea in netscape and mozila??


Hello,<br />
<br />
I wanted to stop the horizontal scroll of a textarea <br />
<br />
i wrote <br />
<textarea name='box' id='box' wrap='hard' row='5' col='5'> </textarea> <br />
this is working fine with IE but it is not working in Netscape and Mozila. <br />
looking forward for your answers :) <br />
<br />
Regards <br />
Dhillon<!--content-->I'm not sure but try:<br />
<br />
wrap="virtual"<br />
<br />
and see if that helps.<!--content-->what do you have as far as text in the box?<!--content-->hey kevin, <br />
i tried it is not working in netscape and mozila...<br />
wrap = virtual is for showing word wraps (which is what i want exactly but it is not working ) in the box but sends the data as one long string of text when transmitting the data with scripts.<br />
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what could be the possible problem ???<br />
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and scoutt yes i have the text but, one has to show it in a presentable way. ;)<!--content-->if the text is not one line it will wrap automatically. if it is all one line then it will scroll.<br />
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that is why I want the code to see what you are doing.<!--content-->I tested this with Mozilla and it seems to work fine:<br />
<br />
<textarea name="comments" COLS="60" ROWS="8" wrap="virtual"></textarea><br />
<br />
as does this:<br />
<br />
<textarea name="comments" COLS="60" ROWS="8"></textarea><br />
<br />
text wraps to a newline when the edge of the textarea is reached. Post your code.<!--content-->kevin,<br />
<br />
i tried the code given by you <br />
<br />
<textarea name="comments" COLS="60" ROWS="8" wrap="virtual"> </textarea><br />
<br />
i tried it on mozila firebird 0.6v , mozila 5.0v and netscape 7.0 but still i am getting the horizontal scroll when i reach the end of the text box.<br />
which version of mozila were you working on ?<br />
<br />
Regards <br />
Dhillon<!--content-->Mozilla 1.2.1<!--content-->The code you posted is not really good html code, you have:<br />
<br />
row='5' col='5'<br />
<br />
it should be<br />
<br />
rows='5' cols='5'<br />
<br />
now if you really do have rows=5 cols=5 in your code you may get a horizontal scrollbar because the textarea box is so small even short words can't break to a newline before they hit the edge of the box.<br />
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also note that the returns/linefeeds that are sent with the form data will not be rendered in a browser window if thats what you are hoping for when the text is displayed later on. You must convert them to <br> or <p> tags for them to display in a browser window. Browser do not know what a newline, carraige return or a linefeed is.<br />
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further information:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... xtarea.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->kevin,<br />
i think this is a bug with the browser only ... <br />
i got this text from the link you sent ...<br />
<br />
Netscape have each listed PHYSICAL and VIRTUAL in one of their references, even though these values have never really worked. Values of SOFT and HARD HAVE worked for this attribute since Netscape version 2.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _prop.html</a><!-- m --> for the Netscape reference that lists VIRTUAL and PHYSICAL (Microsoft's reference listing VIRTUAL/PHYSICAL has since been taken down.) <br />
<br />
thanx for the help i guess i will post this to netscape people<br />
<br />
regards<br />
Dhillon<!--content-->Originally posted by tarundhillon <br />
kevin,<br />
<br />
i tried the code given by you <br />
<br />
<textarea name="comments" COLS="60" ROWS="8" wrap="virtual"> </textarea><br />
<br />
i tried it on mozila firebird 0.6v , mozila 5.0v and netscape 7.0 but still i am getting the horizontal scroll when i reach the end of the text box.<br />
which version of mozila were you working on ?<br />
<br />
Regards <br />
Dhillon <br />
mozilla 5.0 they don't make such a product. mozilla is only up to 1.4, maybe 1.5. now, I tried this code in mozilla 1.3 and it works just fine. I only get a vertical scroll bar in IE. NS7 uses the same engine as mozilla 1.x<br />
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I don't see how you get a bottom (horizontal) scroll bar when there is no text in the box. by default any browser should only show a vertical scroll bar if you don't have any text in the box. if you want to get rid of all scrollbars then add style="overflow: auto" to the textarea.<br />
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in fact in mozilla doesn't have any scrollbars.<br />
<br />
so until you get your facts straight I say it works just fine.<!--content-->oh my god!! i am ashamed of my self !!!! <br />
you know what the problem was i was entering one continuous word for checking it thats why the the horizontal bars were coming. :o . when i entered normal text (words) it is working fine. <br />
<br />
Thanks a lot to you and kevin for the help.<br />
Its really nice to be on this forum. <br />
Regards <br />
Dhillon<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
if the text is not one line it will wrap automatically. if it is all one line then it will scroll. <br />
that is why I said that, way up at the top ;)<br />
<br />
glad it is working.<!--content-->Originally posted by tarundhillon <br />
oh my god!! i am ashamed of my self !!!! <br />
you know what the problem was i was entering one continuous word for checking it thats why the the horizontal bars were coming. :o . when i entered normal text (words) it is working fine. <br />
<br />
Thanks a lot to you and kevin for the help.<br />
Its really nice to be on this forum. <br />
Regards <br />
Dhillon <br />
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grrrrr :mad: <br />
<br />
hehehe :P<!--content-->