how to start ob_start inside a class?


New Member
im doing a little reasearch about minimalizing the html from php. like\[code\]class themeing{ function render( $file, $folder ) { if ( COMPRESS ) { // this is the problem ob_start('compressor'); } $get = VIEWS . $folder . '/' . $file . '.phtml'; if ( COMPRESS ) { ob_end_flush(); } return $get; } function compressor($buffer) { $search = array( '/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/', '/\>[^\S ]+/s', '/[^\S ]+\</s', '/(\s)+/s' ); $replace = array( '', '>', '<', '\\1' ); $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer); return $buffer; }}\[/code\]the problem is how do i call this ob_start(function) ? can we do like ob_start($this->compresssor()) ? ( ok i know it fails ) inside a class? anyone ??Thanks for looking in.Adam Ramadhan