How to specify navtitle for table of contents in web output but NOT in pdf output?


New Member
Given that the table-of-contents area for web output is rather narrow I would like to assume smaller navigation titles for web, but continue to present long topic titles in PDF output.The following markup does not seem to work at all (with or without the \[code\]audience\[/code\] attribute):\[code\]<task id="guid-76a10a16-9952-44fa-ad32-9b9cf2c3eee6"> <title>Primary Topic Title</title> <titlealts audience="web"> <navtitle>Short Title</navtitle> </titlealts></task>\[/code\]Adding \[code\]locktitle="yes"\[/code\] in the map also did not seem to make any difference:\[code\]<topicref type="task" href="" locktitle="yes"/>\[/code\]The following works for web, but unfortunately also presents short titles in the PDF table-of-contents:\[code\]<topicref type="task" href="" locktitle="yes"> <topicmeta> <navtitle>Short Title</navtitle> </topicmeta></topicref>\[/code\]I tried using the following to target Web and PDF separately, but this caused errors to occur during the transform process stating that I was attempting to reference topics outside of the processing context. This works fine for web, but when examining the PDF output there are links to the ".dita" files using the "file:/" protocol instead of cross-references within the PDF file.\[code\]<topicref audience="pdf" type="task" href=""/><topicref audience="web" type="task" href="" locktitle="yes"> <topicmeta> <navtitle>Short Title</navtitle> </topicmeta></topicref>\[/code\]Note: I am using the Ditac processor by XML Mind