I was trying to sort a field of a datagrid, but had the following error:<BR><BR><asp:BoundColumn HeaderText="Position" DataField="strStaffPosition" sortField="strStaffPosition"/><BR><BR>Parser Error Message: Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn' does not have a property named 'sortField'.<BR><BR>can someone help?Try this recent article.<BR>http://www.aspnextgen.com/tutorials.aspx?tutorialid=52Thanks Rob, I have worked it out.<BR>Actually I had to use sortExpression property instead of sortField to get it to work.I found your post and had been working with the same problem for several days. All the references I could find used the "sortField" syntax which gived the error you noted.<BR><BR>I tried sortExpression as you noted and no longer get an error, but I still can't get column sorting to work with bound columns. If I go back to AutoGenerateColumns, sorting works fine. I think, I'm still missing something.<BR><BR>I have AllowSorting="True", "OnSortCommand="SortSub", and AutoGenerateColumns="False". <BR><BR>My bound column syntax is: <ASP:BoundColumn HeaderText="Date" DataField="Date" SortExpression="Date" /><BR><BR>When I run it, my datagrid displays normally, except the there is no link underlining on the header and, of course, no sorting. <BR><BR>Any suggestions ?<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>TomTso what do you put in your sortsub, is it something like:<BR><BR>sub SorrSub(obj as object, e as DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) <BR> sql=sql & " order by " & e.sortexpression<BR> BindData()<BR>end subIf you still cant work it out, I reckon you check out the link Rod mentioned. Apart from the "sortField" syntax, that article is very useful, it also enabled me to combine sorting and paging together.Thanks, It was more a problem of brain-fade. I added the "sortExpression" term to just one column to quickly try it out, but only looked at the far right hand column when I viewed in the browser. Once I looked to the far left column (the one I modified), my link was in place. Sorting works fine.<BR><BR>Thanks for he assist.<BR><BR>TT