how to show xml/xsl codes in a webpage...


New Member
i am trying to make a simple tutorial about xml,xsl,and xslt.

i have a page wherein there are three distinct rows, the upper row will be used as a space for the tutorials and information about it.

the 2nd row consists of 2 columns, the left side is for the xml sample codes and the right will be for the xsl or xslt codes.

the third is for the results or the ouput screen coming from the codes in the 2nd row.

my problem is how to show the complete code(s) of the xml and/or xsl file(s) to their corresponding places in the webpage.

is there a way that i can show these codes (along with the correct tags)?

i am using linux OS and firefox as my browser.

if you have answers to my question please reply to this message or to this email address <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->

thank you and good day.