how to show repeating divs on mouse over with jquery?


New Member
for example ive got a div like:\[code\]<div class="y1"><img src="" /></div>\[/code\]and\[code\]<!-- pre load --><div class="p1" style="display:none"><h5 class="ob">Title</h5><img class="ob" src="" /><small class="ob">Description</small><a href="" class="oyna">PLAY</a></div>\[/code\]and this jquery\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">$("div.y1").hover( function () { $('div.p1').slideDown('slow', function() { }); });</script>\[/code\]my question is how can i repeat it for 12 times. i mean when i hover on y1, show p1, y2 => p2, y3 => p3 ... y12 => p12. i hope you guys understand me. thank you so much!!!!